Trick-or-treating in costume is the highlight of the Halloween season for children and families. Our communities missed out in 2020, but we’re glad to say that most festivities are back this year! We’ve scouted the best places to trick or treat in Middle Tennessee, from decked-out neighborhoods to afternoon park extravaganzas, all promising massive candy hauls with high turnout.

Trunk-or-treat events are gaining popularity year after year, but fear not—there are still plenty of places where goblins, ghouls, and witches can be found throughout the final weeks of October.

Trick-or-Treat Events

“Belle Meade Plantation,” Nashville

Thursday, October 21, from 1 – 3 p.m.


This free event boasts fun for all ages.…

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It's that time of the month again! We are excited to announce October's LoLo gifts! There are so many unique, wonderful, local businesses in Middle Tennessee and it's time to celebrate them this month!

LoLo, Locals Supporting Locals, is an amazing program for your Parks REALTOR® to give to you! Each month, a completely free, new gift comes to your cell phone for you to enjoy. The gifts are selected by county and are only for local businesses, no nationwide chains!

LoLo helps remind us to shop local and support our friends and neighbors! Here are July's gifts to you!

Chill Spot

Williamson County

The Chill Spot is a must-visit for anyone in Williamson County! They serve healthy and refreshing wrap sandwiches, salads, Bubble Tea, and…

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January is a great time to rest after the holidays, read that book you’ve been meaning to pick up, and visit with family and friends. It may be chilly, but it’s also a great time to get out of the house and enjoy some of the best events Middle Tennessee has to offer. From outdoor activities to evenings out on the town, we’ve got you covered.

January 1: First Day Hike
Various Tennessee State Parks
Get some fresh air and recover from your night on the town with a free hike around one of Tennessee’s beautiful state parks. Can’t make this one? Check your local state park’s event calendar for other hikes and programming, most of which are free!

January 4-28: Winter Shakespeare | Hamlet
Belmont’s Troutt Theater | Nashville
The Nashville…

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Make-A-Wish, a non-profit close to the hearts of the Parks Family of Realtors®, grants wishes for children with life-threatening medical conditions. Serving 38 counties in Middle Tennessee, they grant approximately 140 wishes per year for children between the ages of two and a half and 18. 

Make-A-Wish is participating in Giving Tuesday, a day of giving following Black Friday and Cyber Monday, falling this year on November 28. It kicks off the charitable season and has a global reach, raising millions of dollars for nonprofits in approximately 98 countries.

This biggest part of Giving Tuesday’s campaign is through social media, and it’s one of the biggest ways an individual can participate beyond donating financially. They offer an online toolkit…

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